Me and Harmy drive in our van to the homefront (Kuz Manor) for the family meeting. I don't have Saiyan blood in me, or Kuz for that matter." He sits next to me, as I lay curled up in a ball with my head in my legs. I get the idea, but I don't come from the same background as you. "I wish I could understand how you feel fully. He had to sleep in our room cause of how sensitive his little body is, he has to be watched at all times. I placed him carefully into his small bed. I wondered to myself, what is my purpose truly? Why was I born? If this is all life is, just meddling around in constant guilt, stress, and lack of purpose, what then? I left the bathroom and went into the bedroom, where little Otori was fast asleep on the floor. I stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door, and sat on the toilet seat. I want to be respected and seen as an equal around here. Some of them didn't even try and dropped out just because "im a girl". Every fucking opponent that was in the ring barely did shit or fought at all. There was hardly any fighting back there at all. I loved to see you fight." said Harmon to me as he removed his jacket. He keeps telling me how "good I did" and how proud he is. I just arrived back home, at me and Harmy's house.

I never did follow in my family's footsteps about the typical male Saiyan "i want to be frackin strong" crap, but I don't want to be weak.that was bullshit, what happened back there, not just with him, but every fight I was in. It is her journal of her inner thoughts and feelings, as well as records of her adventures and learnings as she traveled space.Īm I really this weak? I mean, I know Leogian is obviously strong as shit, this.I mean, I don't care what people think, especially of this.hell I don't even care what I think sometimes. Kuzynthia: Journey is a journal fan-fiction by TheGreatKuzon! about his RP character Kuzynthia and her disappearance from Earth to go on a year-long journey across the universe to discover herself, after the Grand Supreme Tournament. This article, Kuzynthia: Journey, is property of TheGreatKuzon! This article, Kuzynthia: Journey, is a Role-Play article. This article, Kuzynthia: Journey, is a Role-Play article.